Fire Risk Assessment Statement

 Cranmer Fire Risk Assessment Statement

Cranmer Country Cottages take fire safety very seriously. We aim to ensure the safety of all persons who are in, on, or, in the vicinity of, any premises from which we conduct our business activities. This includes safety from fire and its effects.

Fire hazards can occur in multiple ways. We expect all our staff and visitors to understand where the dangers lie, how to avoid the risks arising, and, how to handle a break out should it occur.

Guests staying in our self-catering holiday properties are expected to take responsibility for the safety of themselves and their families during their stay with us.

We have recently updated our fire safety risk assessment in accordance with the New Fire Safety Rules for sleeping accommodation applicable from 31 October 2023.

We engaged Norfolk Fire Protection to carry out a fire risk assessment in December 2022.

About The Fire Risk Assessment

The fire risk assessment should be seen as the start of a process; the significant findings will form the basis for an action plan which will help to rectify any deficiencies found in the assessment.  The action plan will be reviewed to ensure items are dealt with within the timescales provided in the significant findings.

Norfolk Fire Protection has stated within the Fire Risk Statement that our properties are “not suitable for wheelchair egress therefore not suitable for non-ambulant persons with severe mobility impairments.”

“Disabilities must be identified at the point of booking to ensure guest safety and ability to escape safely in the event of a fire.”

This is how we manage and maintain our fire safety and our Fire Risk Assessment:

Identify fire risk hazards.

  • Source of fire ignition: The main fire hazards at Cranmer Country Cottages could come, from cooking fires, embers falling from the wood burners in Wagtail & Tern, and use of matches, candles, and from guests smoking.
  • Guest portable electrical items such as mobile phones, heated hair styling equipment, laptops, etc. when being left unattended particularly when guests are out or at night.
  • Unauthorised, Electric car charging, Scooter, and bike charging.
  • Unauthorised installation of larger electrical items i.e.:
  • Sources of fuel:
    The main sources of fuel at Cranmer Country Cottages that are combustible are logs, oil, and LPG gas for cooking.

 Identify people at risk:

  • People staying on-site, visiting, or working and who might not be familiar with the premises. Including guests, staff, contractors & family
  • Small children and visitors with mobility issues.
  • Guests are advised that they must account for all their party in the event of a fire and to call 999 and explain that they are at Cranmer Country Cottages and quote What 3 words for their exact location.

Evaluate and ACT

  • Fire from the gas cookers could occur if cooking is left unattended at the hob or grill guests are required to be vigilant and supervise children in the kitchen at all times.
  • Guests are provided with operational web links and electrical appliance manuals within the property and as part of the electronic Welcome Guide.
  • The gas cookers are certificated annually.
  • The likelihood of a cooker fire depends upon the care exercised by the guests. Fire blankets and extinguishers are provided. Instructions for their use are included in the Welcome Guide.
  • The fire extinguishers are inspected and certificated annually.
  • The likelihood of the logs and wood burners catching fire without assistance is viewed as unlikely. Signage is provided adjacent to the stoves to advise guests about the safe use of wood-burning stoves.
  • Guests and staff are instructed not to store anything flammable onto or immediately next to the wood-burning stoves as the outside walls and the top of the stove can become very hot. Log baskets must be kept at a safe distance away from the stove.
  • Risk of fire from embers is minimised, there is no carpet directly in front of the stoves, and living rooms have solid floors.
  • The Chimneys are swept and certificated annually. The highest risk probably comes from embers falling from the wood burners. We have four wood burners, which have been fitted by qualified fitters. None of them have carpets in front of them and therefore the risk of embers spreading fire is very remote. We provide fireguards for all guests should they choose to use them
  • The biomass boiler room and wood store are a good distance from all the other buildings and the reserve oil is stored in a bunded tank.
  • Chemicals for the pool are stored away from the properties.
  • The LPG Gas storage cylinders are serviced and maintained by Calor Gas and are sited away from the properties.
  • Gas Safety Certificates are available for inspection if required.
  • Carbon monoxide alarms are provided with information and procedures in place in case of alarm.
  • Guests are advised not to leave electrical items unattended, and to check for loose wires or damage to their personal small electrical items such as charging leads, hair dryers, heated hair tongs, etc.
  • Our Terms and Conditions of booking state that guests must not bring larger electrical appliances for use in the properties. Guests are required to obtain permission from the owners of the business if they require any items that are not already provided in the properties. Permission must be granted in writing before arrival for items including portable heaters, air conditioning units, Air fryers, commercial catering equipment, etc.  Larger electrical equipment must be proven to be pat tested.
  • There is a no-smoking policy in place in all properties.
  • No smoking signs are displayed in the properties and games room
  • Guests are required to close all interior doors at night.
  • Ground floor windows should remain unlocked at all times when the properties are occupied, as they may be required to be used as a fire escape in exceptional circumstances
  • There is an EV charging policy and EV charging is provided away from the properties.
  • Barbecues are provided for guest use outside of the property. Guests are advised about safe use with instructions available in the Guest Welcome Guide.
  • Hot ash must be safely disposed of in the metal bucket provided on the patios. Ash must not be put in the interior waste bins. Bins are labeled accordingly.
  • Barbecues are removed and not available for use during times of drought and extreme hot weather due to fire risk in the surrounding gardens and countryside.
  • The properties are fitted with comprehensive fire safety guidance including a site map and fire action notice
  • There is emergency lighting in the form of rechargeable torches plugged into the master bedroom and kitchen wall sockets of each single-story property for use if the power fails in an emergency.
  • Fire alarms have been fitted to all kitchens and bedrooms and are connected back to the main electric supply with battery backup.
  • Front doors are all fitted with turn buckle safety locks which do not require a key as a means of escape.
  • All single-story properties on the main holiday complex have approved escape routes including the use of bedroom windows in an extreme emergency.
  • Guests are provided with fire extinguishers but advised to use them to attempt to put out a fire but to exit the building and call the fire service.

Record plan and Train

  • We have a fire procedure in place for staff and guests. All staff are aware of the plan and guests are provided with information in the Cranmer Welcome Guest Guide.  Cleaning contractors are included in fire training.
  • Electrical checks for the fixed wiring installation are being carried out for 2023 by a competent electrician.
  • Pat testing is carried out by a competent person.
  • Emergency lighting units are being installed where required.
  • A log book of weekly, monthly, and annual checks is maintained and recorded as part of our Bright Safe Health & Safety management system.
  • There is an action plan in place to devise maintain and improve controls to reduce the fire hazards.


  • Our assessment is kept under regular review.
  • Our 2022/3 fire risk assessment is available for guests, staff, and visitors to view.

Lynne Johnson 30/09/2023